Friday, 30 January 2015

ABACUS : You Need to Know !

Many people believe and have said that abacus  deal with attaining proficiency in the calculations (procedural aspect of math) , this is the visual result and thus hype created  by people but the actual benefit and result of abacus is concentration improvement and brain development  through the concept of visualization.

Abacus is level based program which includes the basics of arithmetic such as
·         Addition (to begin with single digit then double digit then triple digit)
·         Subtraction
·         Multiplication
·         Division etc
However when we see the result in a child (visual) solving calculation of 5-10 rows of addition/subtraction or multiplication/division and giving the answer in 3-5 seconds without using any tool or pen paper we assume that abacus improves the calculation, and we tend to say that the child's calculation power  is improved but it's the wrong statement,  The right statement would be the child concentration has improved.

Now, how does this happen --- actually concentration will be improved only when we will use all our senses at one particular time and abacus is the only activity in which all our senses except  sense of taste and smell  are used while doing this course , hence the result is drastic.

By drastic we mean two things, First that the result of oral calculation is not only in 10-15 % children but in more than 75% children doing abacus course (proven fact can show the result in more than 15000 children of various schools).

Secondly the result of doing calculation orally means the concentration power has improved which will help in overall ability of child.

Abacus has been made a compulsory subject in primary schools in China and Japan. Research and analysis have shown great improvement and better mental ability in students of these countries due to increased concentration by learning Abacus since childhood under primary education.

Blog by : AVAS INDIA